A wise person once said "Sometimes you've got to remove yourself to move yourself". Who was that? Oh yeah, it was me. And despite my better judgement I have decided to take my own advice. That's right all, I'm moving. Again. And I couldn't be happier or more scared. The first time I left S. Florida I had no expections (and to tell you the truth neither did anyone else), I could onld only go up. Who would blame me for making mistakes? It was my first time out of the nest. "She decided to live where in GA?" It's not her fault, this is her first time away from home. "She met a guy where all by herself?" It's not her fault she just moved here. But this time it's different. There are expections, hopes and dreams to be fulfilled. And they are all mine (thankfully). My date of departure was selected for many reasons but I have to say what drew me to it was the way it sounds when I say it, 8/26/06. Sounds like the date of the MTV Video Awards or the release date of the anticipated summer block buster. But no, it's the day that little ole me is moving to the ATL (No Valerie not Ann Taylor's Loft), GA. I plan to discover all types of places and things. And I plan on missing those of you that I am leaving behind every single day. These past two years I've lost friends, family and even a little bit of the me I used to be. But most importantly I have learned so much. So much about the person I'm gonna be when I grow up. I want to thank you all for you kind words and positive attitude when I told you my decision. Granted many of you were shock (Lisa's still on the floor), some weren't, but all of you were supportive. And that to me is the greatest gift of all. So keep an eye out for BlackGyrlStarr Productions, LLC, keep an ear available for all the wonderful experiences and keep your heart open to receive the love that I have for each and everyone one of you (yes, even you Fred).
P.S.: Don't forget to call my momma every once and a while to see how she's doing (this was her idea afterall).
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change. So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding and love. "
Jennifer Edwards
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